Delivery Regions
We are proud to offer shipping to all countries worldwide. All orders placed on our website are shipped from Bulgaria Warehouse.
Delivery Policy
Delivery costs are calculated and applied to orders at checkout by destination. Duties and taxes are the responsibility of the customer, please contact your local customs authority for further details if required.
Delivery Times
Orders placed during Monday-Friday, will be dispatched within 3 Business Days from our warehouse.
Order Tracking
After your order is successfully placed, you will receive an email with details on how to track your order. Once the item is dispatched and order tracking is available, MADMIA Europe has very limited additional information on the progress of your order.
Please contact us via email or contact us on Whatsapp +61 410 804 085.
We are more than happy to assist you with tracking your order.
More Information
We cannot accept responsibility for delays in delivery due to unforeseen circumstances (e.g. Pandemic, Strikes, floods etc.).
At MADMIA Europe, we hold our customers in the highest regard and are always delighted to assist you in any way possible. If you need help tracking your order, we would be more than happy to provide you with the necessary support.
*Please Note: MADMIA is not liable for any delays and cannot guarantee shipping arrival.
*All colours of products are reproduced online as accurately as possible, however a slight variation may occur in colour and size specifications. Colours may also appear slightly different via this website due to computer picture resolution and individual monitor settings. Offers are available until stocks sell out or the offer expires.